Cash: The simplest way to give. However, you can deduct a cash gift for income tax purposes only in the year in which you contribute it and depending on how you file. Check with your tax advisor first.
Securities: The best stocks to donate are those that have increased greatly in value, particularly those producing a low yield. Even if it is stock you wish to keep in your portfolio, by giving us the stock and using cash to buy the same stock through your broker, you will have received the same income tax deduction but will have a new, higher basis in the stock. You can also donate a portion (number of shares) of any stock in your portfolio. It transfers to Good Shepherd’s broker and is sold and invested accordingly.
Real Estate: If you own property that is fully paid off and has appreciated in value, an outright gift may be the simplest solution. You can deduct the fair market value of your gift, avoid all capital gains taxes, and remove that asset from your taxable estate. You can transfer the deed of your home or farm to us now, and keep the right to use the property for your lifetime and that of your spouse or heirs.
Life Insurance: Options include an outright gift of a paid-up life insurance policy, taking out a new policy with Good Shepherd Center as the named beneficiary, or donating an existing policy (or percentage) while continuing to pay the premiums.