William Clark James (affectionately called Clark) was born in Wilmington, NC in 1917, son of John Haughton James and Isabel Clark James and brother of Isabel James Lehto and Alice James Grainger. Clark graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and received his commission as an ensign in the Coast Guard. Clark served about the Icebreaker Westwind and Army Transport Ship USS General William Mitchell during World War II. Clark married Elizabeth Laird Chisholm and …
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Clark James Foundation
Ensuring Good Shepherd Center’s Future
“What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal”
– Albert Pine
Creating a Legacy
Ensuring the Future of Good Shepherd Center
The Clark James Foundation, Inc. is an independent, nonprofit organization that serves as the endowment arm of Wilmington’s Good Shepherd Center. Governed by a Board of Directors, the Clark James Foundation operates exclusively for the benefit of Good Shepherd, by managing the investment of endowed legacy gifts and making annual distributions supporting the operating budget and programs of Good Shepherd.

Ways of Giving Today
Cash: The simplest way to give. However, you can deduct a cash gift for income tax purposes only in the year in which you contribute it and depending on how you file. Check with your tax advisor first. Securities: The best stocks to donate are those that have increased greatly in value, particularly those producing a low yield. Even if it is stock you wish to keep in your portfolio, by giving us the stock and using cash to buy the same stock through your broker, …

Ways of Giving Tomorrow
Your Will or Revocable Trust: This is often the simplest way to leave a legacy gift from your estate. After careful consideration of your charitable goals, your attorney can help you update your Will or Revocable Trust to include a gift to Good Shepherd of a specific dollar amount, other property, or a percentage of your estate. An example of bequest language for Good Shepherd is: “I bequeath to Good Shepherd Ministries of Wilmington, Inc. (dollar amount or percentage of the estate or …